Tuesday, 16 December 2014

ODBC Connection in Informatica

ODBC stands for Open Data Base Connectivity. An ODBC is a middleware or an interface which allows you any database to Informatica.

How to create an ODBC in Informatica

For creating an ODBC, we can follow two methods:
  1. Go to Control Panel => Administrative Tools =>Data Souces (ODBC)
  2. Select System DSN tab and click on Add
  3. Select the driver Oracle in OraDB10g_home
  4. Then click Finish.
  5. Enter the following details:
    • Data Source Name: Source_Scott_ODBC (your choice)
    • TNS Service name: ORCL
    • User Id: Scott
  6. Then click on Test Connection
  7. There enter password and finally click on Ok.

Or you can also creating an ODBC from Informatica level as follows:
  1. While Creating the target, first we need impliment the metadata of the target by drag the source in
  2. Target Designer and then Generate/Execute SQL.
  3. Click on Connect then click on Add.
  4. Select System DSN tab and click on Add
  5. Select the driver Oracle in OraDB10g_home
  6. Then click Finish.
  7. Enter the following details:
    • Data Source Name: Source_Scott_ODBC (your choice)
    • TNS Service name: ORCL
    • User Id: Scott
  8. Then click on Test Connection
  9. There enter password and finally click on Ok.

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